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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2012 7:18pm-7:48pm EST

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helping the anti european forces in greece. and all of the austerity measures don't solve the problem they make it worse we need development we need development for the survivor the greek economy is going to be among both the. teachings that he's using that. will. this will people as we say. this situation because it's rewarding greece cover way to the way they're really since last sunday's mass demonstrations and continuing uproar has sent a message to those in athens and brussels but those voting through austerity may have been an historic moment as one and likely to put the nation's problems to bed meaning rather than be resigned to the past scenes of anger are likely to be part of greece's future. greece assy half. so had on our team from weapons of mass destruction to nuclear potential american lawmakers and the
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media are drumming up fears once again this time to target iran does this feel like deja vu to you some comparisons coming up the. bulk of the capital account i'm mr. pepper spray that just burned dries right right i mean it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. this is much stronger than anything it's used by. thousands of times we're stronger than any kind of bird you ever put you know.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one. is your view with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. if we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old and just you know the truth.
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i have a confession i am a total get a friend that i love grabbing hip hop music and pretty. much it was kind of yesterday. i'm very aware of the world with its place. well one of the big international story with stories we've been following has in some ways become kind of domestic at least the part of the story that much of the mainstream media and lawmakers would like you to believe i'm talking about iran and its suppose that involvement in recent planned attacks that israeli embassy and about iran's threat against israel and the united states about the supposed develop the development of nuclear weapons for non peaceful purposes despite a lack of any concrete evidence in this regard facts are being blatantly ignored
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and millions of people are being deceived as a result take a look. defiant iran taunting the west iran is calling it a major achievement its nuclear program scientists have loaded nuclear fuel rods into the core of a research reactor tehran is fueling its centrifuges with nuclear fuel and that is stoking fears that the rogue state is indeed one step closer to an atomic bomb is this another step potentially on a round road to potentially making nuclear weapons it is certainly a step down the road towards a nuclear weapon escalating nuclear tensions with iran this morning president mahmoud ahmadinejad is shown supposedly loading nuclear fuel rods into the tehran research reactor but it is a huge source of pride for iran but should it be a source of worry for the west iran has blue stick missiles with a range of about one thousand miles obviously putting israel well within reach this
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is iran doubling down on moving down the path towards a nuclear weapon is this sounding familiar something jogging your memory maybe just rewind about ten years replace nuclear weapons with weapons of mass destruction or place iran with iraq there are quite a few eerie similarities here and i spoke a little while ago with david swanson in charlottesville virginia david is the author of war is a lie founder of the website david swanson dot org and i asked him if he too was experiencing a bit of deja vu. almost identical my god i'm glad i don't watch television the newspapers are bad enough i had to sit through that you know it was nuclear weapons weapons of mass destruction was a way of luring the line between less dangerous weapons and nuclear weapons and the public was convinced in the united states that iraq had nuclear weapons dick cheney would occasionally say it outright condi would warn of mushroom clouds and they would in various other ways imply that iraq was about to hit us with nuclear
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weapons and was behind nine eleven we even got our buddy over in egypt to torture a man until he said iraq was linked in linked up with al qaeda and behind nine eleven it's the same thing we've recently heard it rand was actually behind nine eleven iran has nuclear weapons we have the majority of the american public believe me iran has nuclear weapons while in reality they avoid saying so they fudge they talk about its possible nuclear capabilities and so forth it's almost identical and of course replace dick cheney who as you said a vice president at the time going on and on about the threat now even in the family still his daughter is of course on all the networks saying the same thing it's so interesting we see these pictures pictures of the iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad in a lab coat and all the sudden the case is made you know the i.a.e.a. report said there may be reasons to believe but again no evidence and i want to
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play something here's janet napolitano the homeland security secretary testifying last week on capitol hill right now we have no specific or credible threat against any organization or or target in the united states but this is certainly a situation that bears watching all right so a situation that bears watching as an official you know educated source is a little bit different to me then you know an attack is imminent. what's going on here. and they they all say every single one of them the president the secretary of so-called defense the homeland security secretary that there is no evidence that iran is developing a nuclear weapons program there is only evidence that iran has a nuclear energy program which it iran's says it does there is no evidence that iran is violating the nuclear nonproliferation treaty all of these facts are in contrast with israel and the united states by the way which if these were
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justifications for war there would be justification for war against us but of course they are not and this crazy media madness leads us down this same path where we all begin to assume that if iran does have a nuclear weapons program then we need to nuke it and nobody can prove it doesn't the president himself claims not to want war with iran but suggests that it's up to iran to cease its probably not existant nuclear weapons program and to prove a negative to prove that it does not have what there is no evidence it doesn't have or the blame is on iran and we should have a war whereas of course there is no such thing as a justification for a war based on what weapons a country has a lot of course and bring israel into this as well of course invite our vital part of this discussion being such a close ally with the united states general martin dempsey chairman of the u.s. joint chiefs of staff said over the weekend that you know it was not prudent at
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this point to attack iran and a strike at this time would be stabilizing but he also admitted that you know israel might not be convinced of the same notion talk about you know the role of israel and. you know why there is such a huge tug of war going on right now will the u.s. government right up to the president cannot continue to give israel billions of dollars worth of weapons promised israel to veto all measures of accountability for its abuses and crimes at the united nations and pretend. to be trying to persuade israel not to strike iran the united states has the obvious capability to influence influence israel and is choosing not to use it while continuing including through the president's own mouth to push the same propaganda that makes the war more likely it would not be prudent to start the war today it would also not be prudent to continue down this path that allows the momentum to build with threats back and
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forth between us and iran that makes the war more and more likely as the months go by the only prudent wise moral or decent thing would be to take steps now to talk to iran to negotiate to scale back and to actually written israel with something israel cares about and as one final point david i mean. i think it's very easy to make this iran iraq comparison between you know the leading up to the iraq war based on false premises and what's going on now but we should mention to this negative talk this fear mongering about iran is not new it's not new in the last few weeks it's not even new under obama it's been going on for decades has to say this is just sort of more of the same. well rand was on the list that tony blair said dick cheney had that wesley clark said the pentagon had a decade back it's been on the list of the project for the new american century and the neo cons in this country it's been a target since the one nine hundred fifty s.
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and since the revolution in the late one nine hundred seventy s. it is not at all new that iran is the target but we have successfully persuaded the american public that it would be another iraq that we were being lied to for many years now and this campaign to get us into iran again has failed you public relations terms for several years now we have to keep up that campaign david swanson author of war as a lie joining us from charlottesville virginia thanks so much. well we sort of tune in in thirty minutes you're not going to want to miss this one occupy the prison system from oakland to new york and our nation's capital to chicago protesters rallied outside of prisons to shed light on inhumane treatment and injustice inmates in ohio actually went on a hunger strike to bring awareness to the issue and coming up at eight pm we'll bring you the very latest from the occupy movement and show you why the for profit prison era might be coming to an end for now little do it here for more on the
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stories we cover and it go to our team dot com slash usa and be sure to check out our youtube page it's youtube dot com slash r t america and you should definitely follow me on twitter at christine.
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he. lives. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've
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dumped a few jerks hubbard. for almost eight hundred years has stood along the banks of the volga river and its one of european russia's most picturesque cities is the fourth largest in the country an important economic and cultural center and home to one point three million people. steadily one of the better waterfront views of nice name you can see where the river meets the volga and also take a good look at the city's famous market and some of its churches. streets are filled with echoes of its past from the statues that line the promenade to the city's beautiful range of architecture but it's also home to a modern business community and one of the biggest markets here is transport.
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so this is a. minibus they're everywhere in russia cheap reliable and if you're very lucky really comfy. and seventy percent of them are made. and they're made by guys one of the city's most famous brands they've been producing automobiles since the one nine hundred thirty s. and all the classics are on display in the company music. so you can see that used to produce some pretty snazzy family vehicles including the famous volga which every soviet citizen wanted to own but it's commercial vehicles that have always been the company's. this very first thing that rolled off the production line. the guy has a. they still make trucks today. of course along side the
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mission because. gas has seen some tough times but production is now on the increase and it's all overseen by swedish c.e.o. bowen dessen who previously worked for general motors for more than twenty years. grab among the big a small. slick. excuse me strengthen james brown the gulf thank you very much for having us on have you got a minute to tell us more about it up and put off the. i've been looking at the museum so you can already see there's a long history with sweetness and you know the road on gas how important do you think this factory and company offer the city begins extremely important i mean
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first next year we're turning eighteen years. psycho only to go through been anything noble old love the seventy five without the whole nation building we have three plants here of three complexes is a lot just business three thousand hectares of land. and there's fifteen thousand employees are expecting a busy time ahead that churning out one of the most popular mini buses the guys micro bus on this line and each component is fitted in a matter of seconds they each cost around fourteen thousand dollars and they can produce four hundred every day. then once the puzzles been put together there's just a few final checks to take care of. sort of the last test that they do. make sure the entire car's waterproof see. with my fingers firmly crossed we enter the car wash. ok as you can see i was
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prepared for the worst but i can safely say that these are doing a very good job. bone dry. point tour of gaz was almost over but unfortunately my new minibus wasn't taking me home but at least in a commercial vehicles company you can always hitch a lift in something. once started with a very modern factory but now i want to get a feel from this nice cultural life well you might not think it to look around here but when it is almost over there's a few buds up here on the trees i'll always come to this old village to have a look at a very traditional. rite of spring you write. the notes to be learnt on your feet for the celebration. of the room she's on. her.
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this big laugh at her because. sadly my tank spills on. much of the break to join older and find out a little more about what was going on. for. some time. too old for this previous who don't know so what's going on here then there is a bit of marrow making going on here spring has come the snow is melting away in it all those with two dition but it's a festive occasion. and it's been celebrated for well over a century mothers would bake shaped biscuits and when everyone how to treat it was time for the procession. everybody sings in books around the village leaving a biscuit on the door of every house. the idea of putting these little birds here
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is that they're supposed to attract the real but will then fly down and bring spring with. the nesting locks were regarded as a good omen meant to protect the villages homes from fire and disease and finally when the biscuits are thrown into the air it's believed they become part of spring itself. but if you're taking part in this ritual you might want to keep an eye on your new friends. the way it's apparent i've got some spring inside. and this snow is also supposed to be good for your health. go right down my neck. now the spring had
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officially sprung i was eager to continue my sightseeing and all got pointed me in the direction of one of the area's most popular tourist spots this has got to get it literally means little town in russian and it's one of the most picturesque places in the news media of growed region originally though it was founded as a front here outpost and it's the place where the most famous russian warrior a prince of all time i was on the nevski died. over the centuries gora jets gained an enviable reputation renowned for its painting architecture and woodwork and down by the riverside there's a house where the old arts are still practiced nowadays the artists make souvenirs and entertain the hundreds of visitors who pass through here every week. well i think. these guys tackled the brushwork today but i'm still going to take on something birch additional and very russian but it's much more up my street.
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burst back in the day having a couple was a very elaborate affair in all my time in russia i'd never had tea from a some of our and i was garrett jets post the largest exhibition in the country it seemed like a good place to break the habit there are some of us here that date back to the seventeenth century from single person pots to ones that can hold more than fifty liters of water but always talking really was making me thirsty. but i've got to have a drink so. let's go ok. but there was still some serious preparations to take care of. there's a good. getting the sum of all going takes time once you've added your water you need to put in plenty of kindling lighting up.
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more on the charcoal gel now we give it some air. you have done only way you. can put on the chimney. and now we wait. it was pretty cold outside and i was getting a little impatient yes i mean it's long yeah. ok let's take this off ok now i'm lost for each. to get on top but apparently the russians had an ingenious method to turn up the heat you just needed to give it a good showing ok that's. over to my. point of. going to have it doesn't taste i'm. going to be very tired and i've heard of. the wellington.
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boots did the job admirably and with all some of our steaming we headed into the dining room to be greeted by a fantastic spread. so through all that effort i think this is a couple that deserves a bit of ceremony and they definitely do off noon tea here and there are deaths. it was a very civilized way to end my trip to go and jets but sadly i hadn't come to the news new region for tea and cakes. the time for relaxation was over ok well it wouldn't be discovering russia so if i didn't do something bizarre and potentially dangerous outdoors so i've come here to
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a place called extreme learned to see what they've got. it set in several hectares of land around an hour's drive from but they promise it's worth the trip ok well this looks. it seems that one of the most popular activities here involves inflatable fruits going very fast ok so i need to cry out i think if i fall off the extreme but on a. this is a puts her. hand attached to another snowmobile but was given a tour of the complex. even gripping on for dear life one save you on the stage. so this is going to. take two. zero. zero zero to several more crashes and might be around
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a rest but here is extreme they make you put up or shut up. those who are still. growing. so although i was getting a break. in the army it's time. to show that a little bit intends. to. have no idea what i'm going royce. people with this royal. it seems that if i wanted my lumps i was going to have to fight for my food and he's a watching the celebrity gladiator programmes would eventually come in handy. maybe launch cubes but believe me he still didn't want to get smacked in the wrong place for. the bottle went back and forth but i knew in the end brain even highly
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tactical assault on the red team would see. well. it's. important. that they can be quite a come down once the adrenaline wears off. inflatable thing is going to be so dangerous. in this case. i had suffered enough for one day when i was ready to head back to the safety of the city it was time to explore more of itself i just needed to find someone to keep me around.
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the world including. science technology innovation all the developments around russia. mission of free cretaceous free zones for charges free. range humans free. free. free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media. you. see a story. you think you understand it and then something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything is. welcome to the big picture.
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the for. the. culture is the same much as i can which of course you want to come and so here i am going to trials and tribulations of the middle class long considered the pillar of the west political and economic order is now the victim of a long term. seen plenty of the outskirts of. it was time to get out and take a look at the region's capital. so it's good to get. these trips so i'm off to meet a man who's going to help me get to know. a little bit.


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